UX Researcher / Design Strategy

Oshi Health: Supportive care for digestive conditions


Photo by Frank Flores on Unsplash 

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Oshi Health, Inc. launched the Oshi App in 2018, currently the No. 1 mobile app for managing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Visit Oshihealth.com for more information


Value Proposition


OSHI (Open Source Health Information) is a mobile app that transforms IBD information into usable knowledge for patients and their care teams to improve outcomes.

  • Information: Patient symptoms, health history + medical studies, outcomes data

  • Usable knowledge: Health insights, treatment options, online content, patient and population health trends

  • Patients: Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Care teams: Physicians, nurses, family members, providers, payers, patient orgs, registries


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Persona and User Journey Development

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Core Feature Insights + Recommendations

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Testing Assets

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After this phase of research - and where is Oshi now?


This researched moved to the next stage for the development with high-definition screens, branding, and feature refinement. In 2018, the free Oshi Health app launched their mobile app that makes tracking easy.

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